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Bodog Online Casino Deals Its Billionth Blackjack Hand

April 6th, 2011 by Site Admin

Bodog online casino recently dealt its billionth blackjack hand at one of its online blackjack tables. This is a great milestone for Bodog to have achieved since it is the first online casino to have done that. The billionth blackjack hand was dealt on a Friday, at 7:17 pm GMT Time; blackjack players were excited to heat that this was the 1,000,000,000 blackjack hand that was dealt. The casino’s manager was delighted and explained how it is easy to deal a billion in games like poker, but dealing a billionth hand at blackjack is a very big deal. Hence, they are giving away a grand prize to the lucky winner.

The lucky player at Bodog.com who has won through this billionth hand now faces a tough choice of picking one of the two great gifts that are being offered to the winner. The winner has to choose one of the two trips being offered, one being a trip to Turtle Island, while the other being a trip to Monaco to watch the Grand Prix. The best way to use up the winning title is by celebrating it on a vacation at a great island, and that would be Turtle Island in this case. The winner could also choose to bet on the Grand Prix while sipping cocktail and enjoying the breeze at the beach.

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